András Bögös
András Bögös

András Bögös

The built environment, the archaic architecture and research of them was always an addition to my sphere of interest and the fine arts are always a partial picture of my life for my limited-folk parents. I attended grammar school in Balassagyarmat, graduated as an architect in Pécs in 2010, and then obtained a stove and furnace construction qualification to satisfy the need for physical contact with the material. Among the co-arts, graphics and painting, mixed-technique work are an important part of my everyday life and have an impact on my design approach. My paintings often depict building details, imaginary constructions built in a building-like, layer-by-layer manner, they are not affected by physics and which are sometimes inhabited by imaginary beings. As a member of the Pécs-Keszthely architects company called P8 Műhely and an open creative community, I work as an architect and experiment as a creator.
