Krisztina Hollai
Krisztina Hollai

Krisztina Hollai

As a contemporary alternative-minded artist, I am not a supporter of rigid conventions; instead, I build on traditions and remain open to the constant changes in the world. I am intrigued by the modern world surrounding me today. Since Duchamp, anything can be art. Fortunately for me, my hands are not tied to any particular genre, ism, or technique. Art is free. Often, chance or spontaneity shapes my images. In the process of creation, I often discover worlds where every rule loses its validity. This is incredibly exciting, but also risky, as it is not guaranteed that the creation will meet the usual expectations of viewers or professionals. My themes are visions of life, thoughts, questions. I believe that a painting is only truly completed when it is presented to the viewer. The artwork is created together by the artist and the viewer. This is when the solitary artist connects with another person, the world.


Upcoming exhibition: Not rose spritz